Saturday, December 30, 2006

Should Be Here By Now

where are you do you se
e what i see are you stop
ping to look up the build
ings ate half of the sky it
s still blue though don’ t
worry should still be the
re when you get to me d
on’t let go again it’s hard
er to find my way withou
the gaps between my fing
ers filled in with your fin
gers and i always forget t
o stop to look at everythi
ng like how the statue’s e
yes follow you no matter
what angle you are starin
g from and the sun introd
uces itself like a stranger
down the canyon of your
back in the morning whe
n you’re first sitting up w
ith the posture of a newbo
rn and i think to myself th
is moment could hold like
plaster in a cast you don’t
have to say anything at all