Thursday, September 21, 2006

if i recall

on the rooftop
the sky was a mottled sheet
of rough-grade sand paper
made with pieces of what looked like everything
as it scraped down against the steeples
rounding off the scissored tips before
poking clear through to the other side,
and unwieldy things began to tumble out of it,
oven-shaped and leaky wheelbarrows
of condensed thoughts and clouds
caught up in the tangled blankets, splashing
down into the tolerant, surrounding waters
and every window was a small television
into different people’s lives, people
slouching inward, watching smaller televisions
broadcast news of weather systems shrugging
like pale rocks sulking just below
the clear ceiling of the tide.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will, hi.
Cameron gave me your blog site, and I'm really excited because I love this piece. I like its quiet. It feels like a silent film being watched in the rain. Hope you are well my friend

9:26 AM  
Blogger Cameron J. said...

please note: if yours truly has "ignored" your walkin' website, it's only because he is nervous and xenophobic and lots of Willfriends who he has not made the acquaintance of run rampant in the comments section.

10:31 AM  

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